

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Hi guys so im gonna talk about a phone and the phone i want to talk about to you is the SHITY BLACKBERRY

 I swear all  blackberry's are a shit excuse to spend money i mean i can buy a play phone from the 99p shop that will last longer then a blackberry however when it comes to using the play phone i doubt it would work, ahaha Just like a BLACKBERRY THEN.

Don't get me wrong like a blackberry is  fun to have to start with, but then after what a week they become the biggest pile of shite that was ever invented in the technology sector in my opinion but we get left with this blackberry why because other our parents have spent a good amount of money on it or were left with a contract that well..... enough said on that !

Like what is it with the stupid little black square box or the fact a blackberry resets it self 100000 times a day i mean is there any need i don't see a Nokia or Samsung doing that so why is a Blackberry....
There is hardly anything going for a Blackberry anyway
SO WHAT!!!!! there is bbm there's such thing as whatsapp which is just as good as it contacts all phones even though you need wifi to use it.
 and thinking off it there is nothing going for the Blackberry besides that ...
poor BBM

they dont even have the four pic one word game or temple run pffft

So sorry for my little rant about the blackberry but the phone has been bugging me for days on end and worse thing is this isnt even my first blackberry lets try my THIRD.

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