

Monday, May 27, 2013

#tweetliketheoppositegender ( LETS HERE EACH OTHER OUT YEAH)

Right ok, so there has been a hashtag going around that say's  and yeah trust me i've been reading them and i don't think there all that fair to be honest. I mean lets admit it Guys can be arseholes but so can girls this is why I as a girl wanted to say things that yes both boys and girls do say, and im doing that because i don't really have a problem with the whole male species! Yes some can be complete tossers but not all off them so yes, Lets here them out!Okay so firstly, When a guy says :

"I'm not like other boys,I'm not going to hurt you" : Yes sometimes there are guys out there who generally mean it and girls we really should listen to them i mean me included but then there are also guys who say it who what stick around to get what they want and then go...

Second thing that guys say : not all guys are the same. We have feelings too and we get hurt just as much as girls do, Right yes we know you get hurt in fact any one who probably just been cheated on or left unannounced would be hurt! Yeah we get that and this is for both boys and girls but like, WE ALL HAVE FEELINGS so for the boys out there who think you can play any girl dont because we girls dont deserve it and girls once a decent guy is into you or you are seeing eachother don't start playing him off with the local badboy i mean it never end well.....

Last thing thing then that really bugs me about guys is the phrase "my girl"; Don't call us your girl if you don't mean it or have 10 other girls at the same time who you are also giving that name to! I know i'm probably sounding really mean here, but us girls do really get attatched by little things like that or when you touch are hair and it does hurt us when we know you don't mean any off it! me included like i hate all the cute nicknames or the stay up late talks or the promises if you're just not going to stick by them! because trust me we do find out in the end i think then this is where this tweet comes in "babe I promise, you're the only girl I talk to"

Okay now lets move onto girls yes us girls do know how to wind lads up, if it with the odd comment or the beg call for attention we know how to do it ! and girls i'm not slagging you off i'm just simply talking about us and how we could well maybe be a tad sensitive towards lads.

"I only like hanging out with guys because it's less drama." OKAY LADS AND OTHER GIRLS ! when a girl says this she doesn't mean it in a sort of i hang out with guys because i'm a slut she simply means guys our less drama! and we all know that don't get me wrong i personally love my girl mates but i'd only say that cos secretly we all act like lads when we're together! anyway back to this comment! Yea guys are less stressful i mean you fight you make up you don't bitch and the majority of guys can actually have a decent convo without mentioning "sex" or " fancy coming round mine for a shag i'll drop you home after " err NO GUYS ! if you don't treat a girl with respect then don't expect them to give you the same back. however bit off subject but yeah girls can have guy friends so " to future guys out there don't be jealous of them. IT'S SO NOT COOL"

 "im ugly" LADS LISTEN UP RIGHT ! when girls say this yeah some do beg for attention I mean the Flawless, i'm to good girl's do! But not all girls some actually do have self esteem issues and yes us ladies should listen to your comments and should be like "awe thanks" but sometimes it is hard to believe however this doesn't mean you have to get fustrated with us! it's not our faults we are like that some of us are even to kind and oblivious to the fact a male could even find us hot i mean especially if girls have been hurt to much in the pass its just not fair ! give us a break! we do believe you we're just scared to ADMIT it me included.

And my last little rant   wearing cute underwear makes me hate myself a little less

ha! okay ladies, lets put it this way your not a lady if your always on your knees end off. Sorry have to be said guys don't need to know that wearing hot underwear makes you hate yourself less ! Yes underwear that is hot does make you feel good but there a difference between wearing it to make you feel good and wearing it just for them to end up on some lads floor! Get with it girl!!!! Guys won't want to date a girl who is concidered the local bike, and men won't want to marry a woman thats had more sex with different men then he'd probably have dinners made by her! and thats the same for you lads to i mean if you want to be a player by all means go and do it who are we to stop you " HAVE FUN" but don't be a player if you like some one else infact dont do it at all, it just ends up bad on both off you!

and i know i said that be my last little rant paragraph and it is but lastly and i mean lastly its just dont lie to the person you like or love! trust me i've been there and it was one off the worst mistakes of my life this means guys if you have a girlfriend but like someone else then break up with her! no point leading someone on and girls you too, i mean it horrible to think that someone can care for you and you just throw back in their face also its a bit childish and if you want to be in a serious relationship then just be open and honest !

well there you have it my rant im sorry its long but i hope you picked up from it and enjoyed it
Lots of Love

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