So I haven't spoke in a while how are you all? from my title you should know that this is about being a positive. and well I thought on this bright sunny afternoon I would do just that because if you haven't been to England recently or haven't looked out the window England has been very wet and not in a good way. Wait that sounds weird I mean good wet like water fight or swimming in the sea. I mean recently people could even go swimming down there street, anyway enough about the weather I sound like I am on a awkward first date.
So where Have I been recently to be so happy, well I have been all over the place but last week I took a lovely trip up to London to see my lovely boyfriend and all though I do want to keep mine and his love life a private one I cant help but share with you lovely readers all about it.
Firstly then I learnt to Ice skate. Now that is pretty awesome as I have always wanted to be able to ice skate I will be honest when I first went on the ice I was awful I constantly held on to the sides but my boyfriend seemed to be at one with the ice and he liked to wizz around which would make anyone dizzy but eventually he held my hand and we went round the ice rink together it was one of them titanic moments when Rose say " I wont let go" but then she does but in this case my boyfriend didn't let go so its all good in fact I felt more safe holding his hand then on my own two feet but eventually like every beginner I grew more confident and I got to skate around on my own. So yes I would totally recommend ice skatting to do with your partner its very sweet and its a good way off making sure they hold your hand to, along with hug and kiss you. Gee thinking back that ice skatting sesh could of been a video.
after that we spent rest of the day chilling which was lovely as he works really hard so we never really get time just to relax and be happy so I really enjoyed that and dinner with his parents who are practically my second family was lovely to. The next day was valentines and I got up super early we exchanged presents and he brought me the most gorgeous earrings and bracelet it was such a " OMG SPOILT MOMENT". skipping past the rest of the morning we settled for a maccy d's breakfast and then we went of to the center of London to go and have a look round the museums with his brother and his fiancee after that we went to dine at planet hollywood has anyone been omg its like the best place in the world I will try and find a link description and link it in off course for you lot to see it was amazing and I had the biggest and most yummiest steak in the world. And finally after all that me and my fella decided to go late night bowling now if you know me I cant bowl. me and bowling aren't friends but I managed to get a really good score and my boyfriend did one of them yayaya proud boyfriend moments to be honest It couldn't be a better way to end my time with him.
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