

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How To Guide; When Your Ill.

Hey Qt's So I haven't been vlogging and this is because I have the flu however I won't let that stop me,writing a How to guide so Today's How To Guide Is for when you are Ill yes you know it of course I'm going to talk about that so Steps "Tragedy la la la la " Sorry random out burst of singing.


So what to do when you're poorly well first is get comfy nothing say get well soon then some comfy P.J's and a nice blanket in my case I have some reindeer bottoms because well err it's Christmas yay also I have some penguin slippers because I love penguins and because they are just super comfy and if you want to know where they are from both Items are actually from Primark. Next then is my beloved drink at the moment I am in love with Pomegranate tea, which is a health benefit as it builds up your system and fights of toxic's which is ideal for Christmas new year time if you are to go partying. ( This is also fairly cheap as you can always instead of twings get the Asda version).
The next thing I would suggest is a good book or movie. As it is Christmas I am in Love with the Grinch and the Elf they are my ultimate Christmas movies or the legendary Home Alone 1,2 and 3. and book at the moment the book I'm reading Is driving home for Christmas by a author called Emma Hannock.  This is just an Ideal way of escaping for reality and making your eyes drift off helping you to sleep as rest is vitally important when you are poorly.
Lighting, now you all must be thinking lighting what on earth does this  have to do  but when I'm ill I'm normally really light sensitive meaning that even the slightest bright light can cause me to have a headache so I tend to go for my lamp and pretty fairy lights to justify the lighting and also because they are pretty it just makes me feel more christmasy yes I am odd don't judge me.
Lastly it's sleep everyone need's there beauty sleep I'd be lying if I said some need it more then others, but  when your ill nothing is better then falling asleep and having a decent rest so that is my last command of how to for when your poorly. And if you are reading this and you are ill I'm really sorry and I hope you get better soon because having a cold in the christmas Period sucks.

Much Love 

1 comment:

  1. What a terrible time to be getting sick!! We ll we hope you're feeling better now and enjoying new years festivities!!

