Is it me or does anyone else, always just seem to have more creams then needed. I mean when I go into my room and check out my make up draw i always just seem to have more creams then actually needed. And I'm guessing this is from Christmas and birthday presents however I thought you know what instead of just leaving them there till I throw them away I may as well start using them To be honest I don't even know where half of them come from but I shall try my best to tell you in fact lets do a blog today (well me ) On products and things I am loving at the moment, Now I think some of you will be like isn't that like her update on life blog! Well No it shall be different so I don't bore you.
Righty lets get on with this blog then (Rubs hands together)
So here I am firstly I want to start with the creams as that is what I have been nattering on about for god knows how many sentences. Here we are then 1) These are my like everyday body creams I vary from time to time though because unfortunately I'm not one of them girls with the define scent! Meaning I like to change my perfumes, body lotions, and creams all the time.
this is why on number 1 you can see 3! The big bottle has actually lasted me for every seeing as we had such a good summer there was no need to use the "Garnier summer body lotion" however seeing as its coming t autumn and its a while till I get to go to Athens I may have to use this just to keep my Sun kissed look. For those who don't know this product then it is a Moisturising lotion with natural extract of apricot,It meant to gradually build up a natural kissed look, And its very efficient You can buy this from your local Superdrug or boots (I'd go superdrug as they always have a deal on it) .However for countries outside of Britain I am not to sure about where you can buy it actually I may just leave a link down below so you can invest yourself.
the other 2 then are just gifts I got a Christmas in a little hamper however they spell absolutely gorgeous. And they are called Extract mango and nectarine and Lemon and Bergamot body butter I also have a pomegranate one but that's currently in use.
Secondly then we have the Bobbie Brown and Lush facial products for those who don't follow my twitter (Cough @emmylloyd19) You would know that I haven't had my make up bag in about 2 weeks since my friend took it hostage however what with no makeup on and using these creams daily my face has actually got a lot healthier. So if you want to know the names of these products we have firstly Bobbie Brown Hydrating gel cream I use this a lot in my make up blogs. however for those who haven't read them basically this cream just keeps your face hydrated as its enhanced with Mineral water & Tropical Grass extract price is £48 pounds. The lush product then believe it or not is actually a sample but I am going back to buy it because it has worked miracles !( I need a miracle ) sorry random outburst. and this little magic black pot is "Skin Shanga" ( What an odd name hmme).
but yes and its going for 28 pounds I believe so hit lush now!
okay so here is my next loving thing. Ok I'm cheating this is a two in one because I'm wearing all my favorite jewls, Hehe so here we have it a new nail varnish which I brought back from Belgium 2 euros guys 2 euros how good is that? anyway The color seems to be like a red purple which is Lush as it reminds me of autumn which at the moment is my favorite season.
Necklaces... Oh wait theirs more then 1 my bad. So on the note of rings and stuff. I decided maybe I should just tell you all about my jewelry first one then is my lockets and Oh my god since getting my first locket on my 16th birthday I have been in love with it that even my prom dress had to work around the locket in fact its so precious to me that I never take it off which sucks for when I want to wear gold jewelry Now as you can see there is two there the heart one was the first one I got and if you know me well you'd know that some one I love very much is in it! and the oval one I have has a picture of my brother in it which is cute as he is one of the main men in my life.
the second image is then what I brought yesterday at a Boutique shop I thought the saying was quite funny and just thought "omg what a me moment" so I decided to buy it ( Not saying I'm a heartless fucker but Love sucks" and lastly before I love and leave you is my snug hat! Yayayaya
it's mulberry and I got it yesterday.And it matches my jumper and Im in love with it I may even give you a sneaky peak of it and my jumper if you are lucky hehe
so yes here we have it
my Product blog
beauty blog whatever it is :) Hope you had a nice
Love you all
Righty lets get on with this blog then (Rubs hands together)
So here I am firstly I want to start with the creams as that is what I have been nattering on about for god knows how many sentences. Here we are then 1) These are my like everyday body creams I vary from time to time though because unfortunately I'm not one of them girls with the define scent! Meaning I like to change my perfumes, body lotions, and creams all the time.
this is why on number 1 you can see 3! The big bottle has actually lasted me for every seeing as we had such a good summer there was no need to use the "Garnier summer body lotion" however seeing as its coming t autumn and its a while till I get to go to Athens I may have to use this just to keep my Sun kissed look. For those who don't know this product then it is a Moisturising lotion with natural extract of apricot,It meant to gradually build up a natural kissed look, And its very efficient You can buy this from your local Superdrug or boots (I'd go superdrug as they always have a deal on it) .However for countries outside of Britain I am not to sure about where you can buy it actually I may just leave a link down below so you can invest yourself.
the other 2 then are just gifts I got a Christmas in a little hamper however they spell absolutely gorgeous. And they are called Extract mango and nectarine and Lemon and Bergamot body butter I also have a pomegranate one but that's currently in use.
Secondly then we have the Bobbie Brown and Lush facial products for those who don't follow my twitter (Cough @emmylloyd19) You would know that I haven't had my make up bag in about 2 weeks since my friend took it hostage however what with no makeup on and using these creams daily my face has actually got a lot healthier. So if you want to know the names of these products we have firstly Bobbie Brown Hydrating gel cream I use this a lot in my make up blogs. however for those who haven't read them basically this cream just keeps your face hydrated as its enhanced with Mineral water & Tropical Grass extract price is £48 pounds. The lush product then believe it or not is actually a sample but I am going back to buy it because it has worked miracles !( I need a miracle ) sorry random outburst. and this little magic black pot is "Skin Shanga" ( What an odd name hmme).
but yes and its going for 28 pounds I believe so hit lush now!

okay maybe i should talk about my jewelry so on the first image you have my third finger which has a ring that my ex funny enough brought me as just a random gift however I'm still in love with it so I hardly ever take it off and then I got a mid ring which is the infinity sign! Which is quite hilarious and ironic if you think about it however that is a finger with a lot of love on I guess hehe. then on my fourth finger you have a ring that my best friend brought me which again I never take off just because of the sentimental value of it and with that is a plan mid ring ! Oh I just realized that's my engagement hand I think me and my partner may have problems.... opps
then on my other hand third finger again I have a Blue ring which my Nan brought me from a antique stall in Devon and as that is my favorite color I decided to put it on just for today! ( Its a VERY me ring). and on that again has a mid ring which I think looks super awesome as its all over the place and looks pretty and all these mid rings are actually from primark so go go go.
Lastly my diamond blue studded ring was a present for my 15th birthday by my dad he brought it in India after I had fallen in love with it! and since then I have never took it off which is a shame because I actually lost on of the diamonds out of it but I'm to afraid to tell him so I tend to hide it from him hahah (Sorry dad if your reading this).

the second one then is the latest to my collection and its a small one so means I can still wear 2 necklaces at a time and I got it from Belgium for 5 euros. to make this a tad shorter the 4th image is actually the same just in red, and Lastly the big chunky gold one is well Massive however I have been wanting one for ages so when I saw it in primark for 3 pounds I just had to get it.
right now these are the randomness things ever but these are 3 things in my room I am currently in love with first then is the company mag! And this is pretty much my bible I mean I just love it , I love the way it is styled out I love the way it is written and I love" Jameella" and just the way she natters on about life she is quite simply brilliant and In fact I think you should go down now to your local shop and buy one of these magazines because for 2:50 you can't go wrong.
the second image is then what I brought yesterday at a Boutique shop I thought the saying was quite funny and just thought "omg what a me moment" so I decided to buy it ( Not saying I'm a heartless fucker but Love sucks" and lastly before I love and leave you is my snug hat! Yayayaya
it's mulberry and I got it yesterday.And it matches my jumper and Im in love with it I may even give you a sneaky peak of it and my jumper if you are lucky hehe
so yes here we have it
my Product blog
beauty blog whatever it is :) Hope you had a nice
Love you all
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