Hey qt's right so here is the plan basically my friend Emily is coming over on Sunday and when were together we do the most craziest things, and I've had some people tell me that they wanted me to do some question and answer video which by all means I'm hyped up to do I mean I don't mind answering your questions so here is a quick note just to tell you that me and Emily are here to answer any of your questions . So if you want to get hold of us to give us your questions you can
email me on: Emmalouiselloyd19@gmail.com
or even better ask me on askfm that way you can be anonymous.
ask fm :http://ask.fm/emmaloulloyd

Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Beauty blog enjoy!
Is it me or does anyone else, always just seem to have more creams then needed. I mean when I go into my room and check out my make up draw i always just seem to have more creams then actually needed. And I'm guessing this is from Christmas and birthday presents however I thought you know what instead of just leaving them there till I throw them away I may as well start using them To be honest I don't even know where half of them come from but I shall try my best to tell you in fact lets do a blog today (well me ) On products and things I am loving at the moment, Now I think some of you will be like isn't that like her update on life blog! Well No it shall be different so I don't bore you.
Righty lets get on with this blog then (Rubs hands together)
So here I am firstly I want to start with the creams as that is what I have been nattering on about for god knows how many sentences. Here we are then 1) These are my like everyday body creams I vary from time to time though because unfortunately I'm not one of them girls with the define scent! Meaning I like to change my perfumes, body lotions, and creams all the time.
this is why on number 1 you can see 3! The big bottle has actually lasted me for every seeing as we had such a good summer there was no need to use the "Garnier summer body lotion" however seeing as its coming t autumn and its a while till I get to go to Athens I may have to use this just to keep my Sun kissed look. For those who don't know this product then it is a Moisturising lotion with natural extract of apricot,It meant to gradually build up a natural kissed look, And its very efficient You can buy this from your local Superdrug or boots (I'd go superdrug as they always have a deal on it) .However for countries outside of Britain I am not to sure about where you can buy it actually I may just leave a link down below so you can invest yourself.
the other 2 then are just gifts I got a Christmas in a little hamper however they spell absolutely gorgeous. And they are called Extract mango and nectarine and Lemon and Bergamot body butter I also have a pomegranate one but that's currently in use.
Secondly then we have the Bobbie Brown and Lush facial products for those who don't follow my twitter (Cough @emmylloyd19) You would know that I haven't had my make up bag in about 2 weeks since my friend took it hostage however what with no makeup on and using these creams daily my face has actually got a lot healthier. So if you want to know the names of these products we have firstly Bobbie Brown Hydrating gel cream I use this a lot in my make up blogs. however for those who haven't read them basically this cream just keeps your face hydrated as its enhanced with Mineral water & Tropical Grass extract price is £48 pounds. The lush product then believe it or not is actually a sample but I am going back to buy it because it has worked miracles !( I need a miracle ) sorry random outburst. and this little magic black pot is "Skin Shanga" ( What an odd name hmme).
but yes and its going for 28 pounds I believe so hit lush now!
okay so here is my next loving thing. Ok I'm cheating this is a two in one because I'm wearing all my favorite jewls, Hehe so here we have it a new nail varnish which I brought back from Belgium 2 euros guys 2 euros how good is that? anyway The color seems to be like a red purple which is Lush as it reminds me of autumn which at the moment is my favorite season.
Necklaces... Oh wait theirs more then 1 my bad. So on the note of rings and stuff. I decided maybe I should just tell you all about my jewelry first one then is my lockets and Oh my god since getting my first locket on my 16th birthday I have been in love with it that even my prom dress had to work around the locket in fact its so precious to me that I never take it off which sucks for when I want to wear gold jewelry Now as you can see there is two there the heart one was the first one I got and if you know me well you'd know that some one I love very much is in it! and the oval one I have has a picture of my brother in it which is cute as he is one of the main men in my life.
the second image is then what I brought yesterday at a Boutique shop I thought the saying was quite funny and just thought "omg what a me moment" so I decided to buy it ( Not saying I'm a heartless fucker but Love sucks" and lastly before I love and leave you is my snug hat! Yayayaya
it's mulberry and I got it yesterday.And it matches my jumper and Im in love with it I may even give you a sneaky peak of it and my jumper if you are lucky hehe
so yes here we have it
my Product blog
beauty blog whatever it is :) Hope you had a nice
Love you all
Righty lets get on with this blog then (Rubs hands together)
So here I am firstly I want to start with the creams as that is what I have been nattering on about for god knows how many sentences. Here we are then 1) These are my like everyday body creams I vary from time to time though because unfortunately I'm not one of them girls with the define scent! Meaning I like to change my perfumes, body lotions, and creams all the time.
this is why on number 1 you can see 3! The big bottle has actually lasted me for every seeing as we had such a good summer there was no need to use the "Garnier summer body lotion" however seeing as its coming t autumn and its a while till I get to go to Athens I may have to use this just to keep my Sun kissed look. For those who don't know this product then it is a Moisturising lotion with natural extract of apricot,It meant to gradually build up a natural kissed look, And its very efficient You can buy this from your local Superdrug or boots (I'd go superdrug as they always have a deal on it) .However for countries outside of Britain I am not to sure about where you can buy it actually I may just leave a link down below so you can invest yourself.
the other 2 then are just gifts I got a Christmas in a little hamper however they spell absolutely gorgeous. And they are called Extract mango and nectarine and Lemon and Bergamot body butter I also have a pomegranate one but that's currently in use.
Secondly then we have the Bobbie Brown and Lush facial products for those who don't follow my twitter (Cough @emmylloyd19) You would know that I haven't had my make up bag in about 2 weeks since my friend took it hostage however what with no makeup on and using these creams daily my face has actually got a lot healthier. So if you want to know the names of these products we have firstly Bobbie Brown Hydrating gel cream I use this a lot in my make up blogs. however for those who haven't read them basically this cream just keeps your face hydrated as its enhanced with Mineral water & Tropical Grass extract price is £48 pounds. The lush product then believe it or not is actually a sample but I am going back to buy it because it has worked miracles !( I need a miracle ) sorry random outburst. and this little magic black pot is "Skin Shanga" ( What an odd name hmme).
but yes and its going for 28 pounds I believe so hit lush now!

okay maybe i should talk about my jewelry so on the first image you have my third finger which has a ring that my ex funny enough brought me as just a random gift however I'm still in love with it so I hardly ever take it off and then I got a mid ring which is the infinity sign! Which is quite hilarious and ironic if you think about it however that is a finger with a lot of love on I guess hehe. then on my fourth finger you have a ring that my best friend brought me which again I never take off just because of the sentimental value of it and with that is a plan mid ring ! Oh I just realized that's my engagement hand I think me and my partner may have problems.... opps
then on my other hand third finger again I have a Blue ring which my Nan brought me from a antique stall in Devon and as that is my favorite color I decided to put it on just for today! ( Its a VERY me ring). and on that again has a mid ring which I think looks super awesome as its all over the place and looks pretty and all these mid rings are actually from primark so go go go.
Lastly my diamond blue studded ring was a present for my 15th birthday by my dad he brought it in India after I had fallen in love with it! and since then I have never took it off which is a shame because I actually lost on of the diamonds out of it but I'm to afraid to tell him so I tend to hide it from him hahah (Sorry dad if your reading this).

the second one then is the latest to my collection and its a small one so means I can still wear 2 necklaces at a time and I got it from Belgium for 5 euros. to make this a tad shorter the 4th image is actually the same just in red, and Lastly the big chunky gold one is well Massive however I have been wanting one for ages so when I saw it in primark for 3 pounds I just had to get it.
right now these are the randomness things ever but these are 3 things in my room I am currently in love with first then is the company mag! And this is pretty much my bible I mean I just love it , I love the way it is styled out I love the way it is written and I love" Jameella" and just the way she natters on about life she is quite simply brilliant and In fact I think you should go down now to your local shop and buy one of these magazines because for 2:50 you can't go wrong.
the second image is then what I brought yesterday at a Boutique shop I thought the saying was quite funny and just thought "omg what a me moment" so I decided to buy it ( Not saying I'm a heartless fucker but Love sucks" and lastly before I love and leave you is my snug hat! Yayayaya
it's mulberry and I got it yesterday.And it matches my jumper and Im in love with it I may even give you a sneaky peak of it and my jumper if you are lucky hehe
so yes here we have it
my Product blog
beauty blog whatever it is :) Hope you had a nice
Love you all
A day out in Belgium
Okay so I did say it was a day out in Belgium so you will be getting a blog however as I have been suffering with a cold it isn't that long I'm afraid so I am sorry about that because I spent more time coughing then actually vlogging and just seeing the scenery. All though the scenery I did see was beautiful and I would so recommend this destination to anyone as it is absolutely gorgeous
Here we go then the place we went to was called De Panne and its located along the North Sea coast of the Belgian. It was fulled of loads of boutique style shops which for me seemed like heaven, If any one knows me I love a good vintage shop around, along with a beautiful coast ,It was blue sky's all day and it has a sandy beach and if you didnt know where you were you'd probably think you was in Spain however it was france and you can do it in a day visit which I think is the best as you still get to come home and sleep in your own bed , and as a teen we all know that is a Lovely feeling.
Along with then the beach and the shops they also did the traditonal "French market" which is where i actually brought a few goodies for myself, however the bad point is my friend reads this and I brought her a birthday present from one of these old fashion stores so I wont be able to put some of the pictures up as she may see it and that will just ruin her birthday present.
So maybe I should stop speaking and just add in all the pictures, and then some information, so you don't just think I am being lazy :)
Lots of Love qt's
Here we go then the place we went to was called De Panne and its located along the North Sea coast of the Belgian. It was fulled of loads of boutique style shops which for me seemed like heaven, If any one knows me I love a good vintage shop around, along with a beautiful coast ,It was blue sky's all day and it has a sandy beach and if you didnt know where you were you'd probably think you was in Spain however it was france and you can do it in a day visit which I think is the best as you still get to come home and sleep in your own bed , and as a teen we all know that is a Lovely feeling.
Along with then the beach and the shops they also did the traditonal "French market" which is where i actually brought a few goodies for myself, however the bad point is my friend reads this and I brought her a birthday present from one of these old fashion stores so I wont be able to put some of the pictures up as she may see it and that will just ruin her birthday present.
So maybe I should stop speaking and just add in all the pictures, and then some information, so you don't just think I am being lazy :)
Lots of Love qt's
here was well me and the family on the beautiful sandy beach.
Just a random bits of snaps of Belgium, After all they're famous for their chocs.
oh and lastly dinner!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Update of my life
So guys I just wanted to give you a quick update on what I am loving in the month of September and seeing as we are half way through it I couldn't think off a better time so firstly I have so many birthdays coming up and sad bit is there all 18th's however mine is in 6 months time so i guess my liver can live a bit longer. anyway totally going of subject at the moment I am in love with Black and white photos and i'm going to show you just a few of them for more you'd need to visit my Tumblr to be honest not only visit it but go and follow it ! The followers on that seem a tad bit on the low side.
So Yes Black and White photos:So the first photo is a lovely image of me and my girl Emily Field ( @EmilieField11).And this was taken by the Effiel Tower in the city of Paris.
the second and third image is actually from this week when me and Lily decided we was going to go on a road trip, we didn't get very far but we managed to go out of town for a bit which was good in her new car which is called Primrose (Such a cute name. Oh there a question guys? What have you named your car if you drive ,And if you don't what would you name your car?).
Okay next thing is, Music
Right now there are a few song i am loving obviously my favorite one is chase an status song but that is only because they are my all time favorite and well I am seeing them SOON YES HYPED UP!
The next song I am loving is emeli sande lifted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yi_o8iB0b0
and lastly another song I like is heartbroken by Lawson but that i just for a personal reason :)
so yes there are my songs
lastly whats made me happy over the last few weeks :
If I am honest I am now happy with the way my life is going, I'm gaining friendships back which I lost and also I'm getting back to the old me which is a much better person then the arsehole i was before (BTW I am so sorry if your one of the people i've been mean to) anyway yes, Even though its early days I'm now getting back on track...And one final thing is then that I am in love with tumblr still so
yes go and check it out
So Yes Black and White photos:So the first photo is a lovely image of me and my girl Emily Field ( @EmilieField11).And this was taken by the Effiel Tower in the city of Paris.
the second and third image is actually from this week when me and Lily decided we was going to go on a road trip, we didn't get very far but we managed to go out of town for a bit which was good in her new car which is called Primrose (Such a cute name. Oh there a question guys? What have you named your car if you drive ,And if you don't what would you name your car?).
The last image then was me on my friends phone I thought My eyes looked proper creepy almost halloween like so I decided hey why not take a picture so yes here is my obsession with black and white this month.
Okay next thing is, Music
Right now there are a few song i am loving obviously my favorite one is chase an status song but that is only because they are my all time favorite and well I am seeing them SOON YES HYPED UP!
The next song I am loving is emeli sande lifted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yi_o8iB0b0
and lastly another song I like is heartbroken by Lawson but that i just for a personal reason :)
so yes there are my songs
lastly whats made me happy over the last few weeks :
If I am honest I am now happy with the way my life is going, I'm gaining friendships back which I lost and also I'm getting back to the old me which is a much better person then the arsehole i was before (BTW I am so sorry if your one of the people i've been mean to) anyway yes, Even though its early days I'm now getting back on track...And one final thing is then that I am in love with tumblr still so
yes go and check it out
The Liebster Award
Hey my wee qt's

So I was nominated for this award by my best friend Sarah who was nominated by a girl called Izzy so to be fair I guess its just a tag So guys if you want , you can do this as well and just tag me in it so I can read it and yeah so forth, So what is this tag about well basically it is just a tag to get noticed so Lets begin.
The Rules
Write 10 random facts about yourself.
Answer the 10 questions given by the person who nominated you.
Create 10 new questions.
Nominate 10 bloggers and mention them in your post.
Thank the person that nominated you and tell the people you've nominated
10 Random Facts About Me
1) I Have near enough been to every continent in the world all before the age of 18.
2) Next year I hope to be traveling and living in Australia ( High Hope)
3) I have anxiety which causes me panic attacks near enough all the time and I hate it because it makes me go into a shell
4)I Started blogging because of my friend sarah
5) I have the best brother in the world, and we get on so well he pretty much is like a best friend to me
6)I have the bestfriends in the world also, who never judge me on my silly mistakes
7)I've been a bit of a bitch in my past but I've now been redeemed I feel like a new woman
8)My favorite color is blue and orange but it has to be a certain blue and ooo maybe not together that be horrible
9)I want to work for Virgin Atlantic
10)I get compared to Charlotte of Geordie shore a lot even though I don't wee myself
Sarah Questions For me?
1) What made you want to start a blog? Haha well funny enough Sweetheart it was you.
2) Do you watch YouTubers and if so who's your favorite? Yes I do and Zoella and Alfie oh and Marcus Butler
3) What’s your all-time favorite movie? Dear John and Despicable me
4) When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you do it? I want to be an Airhostess and I still do...
5) If you were on a desert island, what 3 beauty items would you take with you? A tangle teaser because I HATE KNOTTY HAIR, I would also take Bobbie brown moisturiser SPF 15 , and I guess id take sun cream
6) What quality do you find most attractive in others? There kind personality, Or the way they make me laugh ! I love people who are kind and know me better then myself.
7) What’s something you regret, and how would you change it if you could? Just the month of February and I wouldn't of been a bitch and lost two special people to me.
8) What are your three most favorite things to do? Blog,Youtube,Photography
9) What’s your life dream? Be in the plane
10) How was your day? Amaaazzinggg :)
Bloggers I'm nominating for this award
Personal person : +Sophie Ellwood
however I also am going to nominate all off you so get blogging... and once you've done other tag or email me
So I can read it
The Questions For You
1) Why did you blog?
2 ) How long you been blogging for?
3) Favorite youtuber?
4) What do you do as a hobby?
5) Bestfriends?
6) Favorite blogger?
7) Favorite book?
8) best day of your life so far?
9) favorite make up brand?
10) How could I improve my blogs?
And lastly thank you Sarah for being nice enough for wanting me to do this blog
Much love :)
Saturday, September 14, 2013
hey Qt's
so it is my favorite season and as it is my favorite season I thought what is better then to light some candles and speak to you my lovely readers about well AUTUMN. Now if you follow me on Tumblr you should know that I am just going Autumn mad on it I love the colors of autumn and the shades i love the fact leaves fall of the trees and I love the crisp sound it makes.
Other reason why I love autumn well i love the fact we can now all wear baggy jumpers and that is totally acceptable out. This one is a bit eww but I love the fact we are no longer sweating but we are not freezing our butts off either.Its now cool enough to go and have a tea or hot chocolate with cream on with your friends in the local coffee shop.
However The best bit is the Bonfire nights and the Halloween parties and the fact we get thrown sweet and money at really haha. For some in relationships it be that cute moment when you and your partner just Eskimo kiss to warm your noses but yes ! Autumn it is and always will be the best season ever. with the smell of cinnamon and walks in tartan oh and let me not forget the Punkin pie and for those who have never had it I SUGGEST YOU GO AND BUY YOURSELF SOME.
so it is my favorite season and as it is my favorite season I thought what is better then to light some candles and speak to you my lovely readers about well AUTUMN. Now if you follow me on Tumblr you should know that I am just going Autumn mad on it I love the colors of autumn and the shades i love the fact leaves fall of the trees and I love the crisp sound it makes.
Other reason why I love autumn well i love the fact we can now all wear baggy jumpers and that is totally acceptable out. This one is a bit eww but I love the fact we are no longer sweating but we are not freezing our butts off either.Its now cool enough to go and have a tea or hot chocolate with cream on with your friends in the local coffee shop.
However The best bit is the Bonfire nights and the Halloween parties and the fact we get thrown sweet and money at really haha. For some in relationships it be that cute moment when you and your partner just Eskimo kiss to warm your noses but yes ! Autumn it is and always will be the best season ever. with the smell of cinnamon and walks in tartan oh and let me not forget the Punkin pie and for those who have never had it I SUGGEST YOU GO AND BUY YOURSELF SOME.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
School time make up routine.
Since leaving school, I gone through a lot of changes and I mean a lot for starters My appearance changed because at school we wasn't really allowed to wear make up or have fancy things which pretty much meant I spent my years at school as a plain Jane which I didn't really mind because it did benefit my skin all though I was always really self conscience at school because of the whole society of "Am I pretty enough?". Anyway I have seen and read so many blogs recently about going back to school and how you pretty much need to cake you face to be noticed, Well sorry Ladies I don't think you need to pie it on I mean it's school it isn't a Saturday night out at the local night club! Which you don't do anyway so .... defeats the object anyway before I get off subject...
I do know that a lot of you love to wear make up I'm not saying you shouldn't because make up does help a lot I know people always rant about how it doesn't but if you have "Problems" or think your not pretty enough it does help because its like a mask and when you wear this mask you become a character just like at Halloween not saying you with make up on is as scary but I mean you just feel like a different person maybe braver maybe you think you look hotter and that is why today I decided to dedicate my Sunday make up routine to "Going back to school".
(Here is me at school good ol' school days)
So firstly what I normally do when I wake up is have a wash and then wash my hair I'm currently using VO5 and Coconut oil for a conditioner which is doing wonders for my hair not going to lie. I would so recommend it in fact I will put the link underneath so you can go and stalk it out.
Now lets get on to the face face....
1) So firstly as always I would put cream on my face it doesn't really matter what cream however as long as its cold it normally is a lot better so in this case today I am using NIVEA pure and natural Face lotion for normal and dry skin you can buy this in any drug store however I would normally go to superdrug just because it's a lot cheaper and I like to collect my points from there!
2) I then apply my foundation by Bobbie brown in the color Warm Beige I use this one a lot in all of my make up chats but for those who don't know me or read my make up blogs Its an SPF OF 15 .And seeing as its a going back to school look I would only suggest putting a minimum on after all your not going to a party your going to learn. I've applied this foundation with my foundation brush from benefit (again I will put a link below for you) .
3) after all of my foundation has been worked in and everything looks just about normal I then put on my concealer from collection 2000 in the shade natural 2 ! I guess your all thinking why she doing this in reverse order well to be honest I don't know myself however my concealer just gets rid of any marks or blemishes that my foundation has made a little obvious so that's probably why... ( Sorry guys) Anyway back to the tutorial after i have put that on my face i then move on to my blusher which again is Bobbie brown however if your only on pocket money or don't have a Bobbie brown near you ! You can always use any drug store blusher.
Rimmel London always seems like a good one.
So after putting the blusher on... I then move on to my mascara and only a little mind, some times I don't even bother with mascara so if you have dark lashes which look lush don't put mascara on and just leave it as that but if you do want a little more of an effect go ahead.
the mascara I am using is by Rimmel London and its the waterproof one which cost £6.99 from superdrug.
yes I have an obsession on that shop
for the final touch for your lips to make them just not feel left out really
and this month I am loving Body shop lip balm in watermelon ( MUST HAVE)
oh and seeing as I love my lippy and it's like my signature I put a tiny bit off lippy
on by MUA ( Superdrug only brand) in the color peach 3
And there you have it guys
Make up for school Enjoy
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Hey guys so as some of you know the other day I took a trip to Paris with my good friend Emily, and well we basically did all the basic, we saw the Eiffel tower and various other buildings, However the majority of french people we spoke to was actually quite rude so I'm not to happy about the whole "Friendly atmosphere"! However I did take a few *Snaps Snaps * As I always do and I thought I'd just put them on here to update you on Paris.
Along with that I may just put a bit off info up and later on a youtube video should hopefully be going up about a quick review! :)
I Hope you enjoy reading and looking at the pictures as much as I have enjoyed taking snaps off them.
Much Love
QT'S <3
^^^For more................. x
Along with that I may just put a bit off info up and later on a youtube video should hopefully be going up about a quick review! :)
I Hope you enjoy reading and looking at the pictures as much as I have enjoyed taking snaps off them.
Much Love
QT'S <3
^^^For more................. x
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