

Monday, April 1, 2013

Its all about mike .............. :)

hey bloggers and readers and random people who just come across my blog spontaneously 

okay so today i saw one of the most beautiful and first sunsets of my life and it was perfect it is also a tick off my bucket list so yay me!

sorry if this has random bits in but I'm currently skyping mike WHO IS ALSO A BLOGGER ( LOOK AT ME WITH MY BLOGGER FRIENDS).

Haha okay so today I've done literally nothing apart from talk to mike and make funny face at him and my friends when we went on a drive oh yeah 
it was so pretty  and amazing and lovely! (broke the o key on the laptop ) 

Anyway back to my friend mike,  hes new yes i say it like i've  just brought him from a shop ( he comes with battery's) he is also is an amazing person he plays guitar and i know that's a random  fact but hes currently telling me about his strings on his guitar  which i have now named emma ! oh yeah i also named his car emma man I'm just on a role here he is also in love with me but he doesn't know it yet or he does but he thinks hes too cool to admit it

awwwee hes playing guitar down the phone literally what a cutie !
okay so mike or Michael as i call him is actually quite sweet and all though you may all be like why have you wrote a blog about a lad ..... HE DOES KNOW I'M WRITTING IT

and I'm writing it to express how meeting new people is just the best! it can be such a fun experience and getting to know new people is always so good this is actually why i started to youtube  and blog
in the first place 

k. i need to go before mike thinks im way to in love with him hahahaa ;) 
so over and out guys

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