random but that's me
(ohh i really like this writing)
hey there guys so i haven't been blogging in a while which is mad for me seeing as i always blog however i have been doing a lot of video's recently which i shall put on my youtube channel as soon as i find out how to make a movie maker ! yes i need help........
SO my lovely readers, how are you:?? ( wait you cant reply this is awkward)
It's the Easter break and its nearly my birthday well in a couple off weeks however Easter is always so busy for me as literally all my siblings are born in April ! you can obviously tell its my parents favorite month.
Right lets get down to business ! so its nearly been a year since I've left secondary school, and I'm trying to think where has all the time gone, i mean what have i done in a whole year since leaving school?
Well lets see first there was prom! which was amazing and i loved it and then there was after prom.... Haha talk about getting mortal ! i cant really remember what happened only that i recreated my friendship with one of my old best friends that day and since then we've been as strong as ever (shout out to Miranda woo) and then there was spending time with family and going up to London to spend time with an ex ( WHO WAS A BOYFRIEND AT THE TIME ) that be odd if he was just an ex hahah !
oh wait and then there was results and reading fest! fjgfthidigtri ( is how i would describe it|) GOD KNOWS I WANT TO GO THIS YEAR!
then after all off that there was joining college and meeting the mad people i know call my second family i mean all though we fight like cats and dogs literally i got scratches ( from somewhere) were still here for each other at the end of the day which is the most important thing i guess!
I do love them guys lots honestly is there was a southern version of geordie shore! it would be us
were all mad
Which has brought me here today typing this blog to fill up the spaces that i have missed on blogging recently which is true it is quite random..
sorry for yet another random blog :)
Love ya