
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
25 things about me whilst i wait for a text.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
A very pissed of letter ...............
Today all ive been doing is nervously looking at my youtube account and the amount of views i have got which i guess sounds a bit odd but hey.
So yesterday i had my little bitch about blackberry and how i think there a pile of shit and i still do think there a pile of shit but after research Google answers told me to put it in a bowl of rice so now my blackberry is currently in a bowl of rice just chilling on the kitchen side. I've also noticed my"u" button is very hard which makes this even harder to type because i use a lot of "U" when typing..... ( odd fact i have just noticed).
Anyway back to my little rant off my phone.... I've decided that if my blackberry doesn't work that I'm going to get hold off the Google person who told me rice was a good idea, and write them a complaint letter, which will go something like this.........
What do you think guys? do you think they will buy that i mean i threaten them with Jeremy Kyle and if i was them i wouldn't want to be threatened with that guy i mean he seriously is the only reason i wake up early is so i can watch him kick butt
can i say butt, sorry if i offended some readers with that word actually sorry if offended you with horse meat aswell hahah!
ohh god i may just stop typing............................
over and out MWAAAAH
Saturday, February 23, 2013
I swear all blackberry's are a shit excuse to spend money i mean i can buy a play phone from the 99p shop that will last longer then a blackberry however when it comes to using the play phone i doubt it would work, ahaha Just like a BLACKBERRY THEN.
Don't get me wrong like a blackberry is fun to have to start with, but then after what a week they become the biggest pile of shite that was ever invented in the technology sector in my opinion but we get left with this blackberry why because other our parents have spent a good amount of money on it or were left with a contract that well..... enough said on that !
Like what is it with the stupid little black square box or the fact a blackberry resets it self 100000 times a day i mean is there any need i don't see a Nokia or Samsung doing that so why is a Blackberry....
There is hardly anything going for a Blackberry anyway
SO WHAT!!!!! there is bbm there's such thing as whatsapp which is just as good as it contacts all phones even though you need wifi to use it.
and thinking off it there is nothing going for the Blackberry besides that ...
poor BBM
they dont even have the four pic one word game or temple run pffft
So sorry for my little rant about the blackberry but the phone has been bugging me for days on end and worse thing is this isnt even my first blackberry lets try my THIRD.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
A Tag; off getting to know me ......
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
We've all got that one friend who?
This is why I've decided to dedicate a post to her just so she can be all jolly and maybe even be inspired to maybe get out the house or make a blog herself because she is quite funny and I'm sure she would keep all you readers interested FOREEEVVEERRR as she is quite an amusing and stupid in the nicest way ever.
So how did this all start? well i was round her house tonight and we were trying to decide how to spend our evening, which didn't include a midnight walk and getting kidnapped and the only way i could actually get my view across to her was by reading her my blog which did go okay in the end seeing as I'm now in the comfort off my own home writing this blog which seems a bit pointless ................
In fact i may finish off here, on the note of this being pointless because she will probably see how much i have written and then not decide to read it so "hey there caroline" i hope i have inspired you to start blogging about your life, as it does generally amuse me and it will give you something to do.
Lots of love lass,
Midnight walk.... in February you got to be kidding, right?
plus like what is there to do in a woods at midnight, she and the others are scared when there's a power cut so god help them walking through the woods in the DARK, surrounded by tree's and mad people that have escaped the madhouse which is only down the road. And if they don't get us i'm damn sure frostbite will ITS LIKE -100
and also I've lost my gloves and i like my hands they do a lot like write my blogs or send text to normal friends who enjoy a night in, in front of the telly watching corrie or the Simpson on repeat with a cup of tea
So I've come to the conclusion no one in the right mind would do a midnight walk in the woods, Lets face were a bunch of girly girls why change it now?....
there fore after writing about my little rant about going to the woods i will now text them and persuade them that keeping our hands and our lives on planet earth is a better idea then dying in a woods or being kidnapped by ALIENS.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Me myself i
A bit about myself well when I say bit I mean like a whole page but hey, wouldn't you like to know
About the person your reading blogs off firstly my name is emma louise lloyd but I get called (em,m&m, emmy,emlou,chicken, or just emma but that is boring )
So me EMMYLOU , well I'm 16 going on 17 in april yaya that means soon I'll be able to drive which is unlucky for you guys already driving or even walking as I'm a major cause of concern haha!
My hobbies would be just hanging With my friends or blogging or even making videos the decent kind offcourse !
I love topshop and forever21 and I love my makeup however I'm fussy when it comes to makeup as I only wear boobie brown or benefit along with natural collection !
However this blog just gone to girly , so until next time folks